The flexible retaining structure is another important retaining structure in soft soil . the integrated numerical analysis of this retaining structure ( including the methods and theory of calculating active earth pressure under sorts of conditions as well as the calculating method of horizontal stiffness coefficient of bracing structure and the method of deciding boundary condition etc . ) was gived . the effect of all parameters on the characteristics of retaining structure was discussed using methods of sensitivity - analysis 本文针对目前常用的弹性支点法,给出了完整的数值分析方法,包括各种条件下的墙后土压力的计算方法和原理、支撑系统(或锚拉系统)水平刚度系数的计算、边界条件的确定方法等,并以此为基础采用灵敏度系数分析方法讨论了各参数对围护结构形态的影响,指出土体侧向基床比例系数是影响围护结构变形的最主要的参数。